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New possibilities await you.
Possibility Management is a global Gameworld providing:
Authentic Adulthood Initiations,
Personal Agency for creating the culture you would love to live in.
You can start where you are...
...and help build a new future on Earth together.
"It is thanks to the gameworld of Possibility Management that we are now creating deep and meaningful sharings."
- Alan Gerardo Chavez Anzures, Mexico, 2023
Intelligence is the ability to interact.
Education researcher Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of classics such as: The Crack In The Cosmic Egg, and The Magical Child, defined 'intelligence' as: 'the ability to interact'.
This explains why Possibility Management's 'interaction technologies' so often create sudden leaps in intelligence!
Possibility Management offers highly effective and totally reproducible:
- HEALING: Evolutionary Healing and personal development Processes for locating old Decisions and Energetic Blocks, to unleash potential and tap into inner and outer Resources that modern culture knows little about.
- INITIATIONS: Authentic Audulthood Initiatory Processes from Archiarchy, the culture that is naturally emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course
- THOUGHTWARE UPGRADES: Radical Responsibility Thoughtware Upgrades powered by Bright Principles that give you new Clarity for using your inner and outer conflicts as a source of insight and Possibility.
- TRANSFORMATION: Practices for taking back your Center, your Voice, your Attention, your ability to Connect, and your Authority for Creating a Culture that you would love to live in, using Nonmaterial Value as the primary Currency.
- AGENCY: Personal Agency is your ability to cause things to happen in the world, to make real changes, Inventing new options to choose from, supporting your Teams to do the same.
All of this is copyleft, open code Thoughtware, yours to deliver to as many others as you can.
DIRECTORY of Possibility Management (PM) Websites
Ask Us Anything open Zoom space is offered every first Sunday of the month from 2pm-3pm in the GMT+1 time zone (Central European Time): askusanything.mystrikingly.com
To register for Expand The Box Training or Possibility Labs, please visit: possibilitymanagement.org
To register for PM related WorkTalks, Workshops, etc., please visit our Teamup Calendar: hteamup.com/ksqigc5yvcag3dordv
For info about Possibilitator Training, please visit: possibilitatortraining.org
For info about Possibilitators and their Projects, please visit: possibilitymanagers.org
For PM history, roots, shoots, fruits, hoots, and books, please visit: museumofpm.mystrikingly.com
For info about Expand The Box Training, please visit: expandthebox.org
For info about Possibility Labs, please visit: possibilitylabs.mystrikingly.com
For info about Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, please visit: initiations.org
For info about Archiarchy, please visit: archiarchy.org
For info about Torus Meeting Technology, please visit: torustechnology.org
For PM Distinctions, please visit: distinctionary.xyz
For PM Thoughtmaps, please visit: pmthoughtmaps.mystrikingly.com
For PM Processes, please visit: pmprocesses.mystrikingly.com
For PM Podcasts, please visit: nextcultureradio.org
For PM Videos, please visit: youtube.com/PossibilityManagementTV
For PM recommended Books, please visit: possibilitybooks.mystrikingly.com
For PM recommended Films, please visit: possibilityfilms.mystrikingly.com
For S.P.A.R.K.s (Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge), please visit: sparks-english.mystrikingly.com
For S.T.A.R.R.s (Startling Tales About Radical Responsibility), please visit: starrs.mystrikingly.com
For PM Articles, please visit: jewelsofpossibility.mystrikingly.com
To view over 100 sample Emotional Healing Process (EHP) videos using Possibility Coaching, please visit: createpossibility.mystrikingly.com
To join the EHP Collaboration Telegram Group, please use this link: t.me/joinchat/WC5Px3vhJLpGU-Cz
To join the PM Events Telegram Group, please use this link: t.me/+z6dG4whLcaAwZGM6
To join the Possibility Creation Village Telegram Group, please use this link: t.me/+ViEuN7pEHlcSDlCv
For info about Bridge-House, please visit: bridge-house.org
For info about Rage Club, please visit: rageclub.org
For info about Fear Club, please visit: fearclub.org
For info about becoming a Feelings Practitioner, please visit: feelingspractitioner.com
For info about becoming a Possibility Coach, please visit: possibilitycoachingtraining.mystrikingly.com
For info about becoming a Possibility Mediator, please visit: possibilitymediationtraining.mystrikingly.com
For info about becoming an Expand The Box Trainer, please visit: practiceexpandthebox.mystrikingly.com
To register your StartOver.xyz Matrix Points in your free account, please visit: login.startover.xyz
For info about the Possibility Management gameworld, please visit: possibilitymanagement.com
This Website
This website maps out the Possibility Management gameworld - which means how to participate in opportunities that Possibility Management provides.
Possibility Management is the gameworld where 'next culture' Edgeworkers take Radical Responsibility for helping each other heal and grow-up into Authentic Adulthood.
From there we help each other to jack-in to inner and outer Resources that modern culture knows nothing about, and collaboratively create Initiation-centered Archiarchal cultures on Earth... next cultures...Possibility Management is a global co-creation community empowering each other using Torus Technology to deliver your real gifts, the services of your true calling.
Due to our upbringing in modern culture's Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware it is easy to assume that, since the above diagram shows the PM Infinity Ring as the innermost ring, it must be at the top of an imagined hierarchy. This, however, is false. Possibility Management uses Torus Technology in which there is no hierarchy, not even a hidden hierarchy.
The 'Infinity Ring' is the Node of Possibility Trainers who handle behind-the-curtains (and for-free) whatever needs to be handled to make the Possibility Management gameworld fly. Perhaps more accurately, the Infinity Ring should be pictured as the outermost ring in this diagram, or the bottom ring near the roots.
In many ways, we are the janitors, the 'Sweepers' (as in Terry Pratchett's book Thief of Time). The doors are open for any active Possibility Trainers to take Radical Responsibility in the Possibility Management Context to make Proposals to this gameworld-building decision-making Node.
If that is you, please contact us directly. For further details about the PM Infinity Ring, please visit http://trainerguild.org.
Possibility Management Gameworld Elements
Over the years we have discovered and built out so many new elements of Possibility Management.
The online home of the global Possibility Management Calendar of Events: providing thoughtware-upgrade Expand The Box Trainings, Possibility Labs, and other authentic adulthood healing and initiatory processes for next culture - Archiarchy.
We also invite you to check out the Possibility Management Global Online Offers | Teamup Calendar at: https://teamup.com/ksv2xq34sxiagcuei1
and, our Possibility Management Global Telegram Group at:
There is a lot of amazing stuff being created and discovered!
Startling Tales About Radical Responsibility
Short video investigations into Distinctions and Practices with Radical Responsibility made by Edgeworkers and Possibilitators at the front lines of evolution.
The online dictionary of hundreds of Possibility Management Distinctions, with links to related websites in the StartOver.xyz game environment.
StartOver.xyz is a free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game.
Your first entrance door is at How To Play.
Your second entrance door could be grazing at the Spaceport - an alphabetical listing of all the 500+ interlinked StartOver.xyz websites.
Please register the Matrix Points you earn from doing the thousands of Matrix-Building Box-Expanding StartOver.xyz Experiments in your free account here: https://login.startover.xyz.
We invite you into the astonishing experience of bringing the Tools, Distinctions, Thoughtmaps, and Processes of Possibility Management into your daily life.
Here we offer Possibility Management's complete collection of videos from worktalks, workshops, trainings, interviews, meetings, etc.
The PM TV Channel also includes legendary recordings from the beginnings of Possibility Management.
Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge
There are over 200 S.P.A.R.K.s in English, with many being translated into other languages including Czech, German, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Polish, French, Hebrew, Finnish, Swedish, Romanian, Farsi, Vietnamese, and Arabic.
S.P.A.R.K.s are available online HERE, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year, for you to download and empower your daily life with matrix-building Experiments.
Here you find a catalog of offerings from Possibility Managers, Possibilitators, and Possibility Trainers around the world.
These showcase websites are sorted into Project Websites, PM Country Websites, and Possibility Manager Personal Websites.
What a beautiful bounty of co-intelligent creation! Here are dozens of Doorways through which you can find out what the other Possibilitators around the world are creating. Plus, each link is an invitation to connect and collaborate on projects!
The Possibilitator Path is rich with challenges, deep dives into yourself, authentic connections with highly motivated Team players, learning so many things you never knew you did not know about.
You will be Upgrading Human Thoughtware starting with your own, delivering Processes for others both on this Path and in life, and building Bridges to Archiarchy - 'next culture' - by bringing to life your own Gaian Gameworlds and delivering your own Nonmaterial Value.
The purpose of Rage Club is to change your relationship to the feeling of anger so that anger is consciously available to you as an adult whenever you need it, without being possessed or overwhelmed by it.
In modern culture we are deeply conditioned to believe that it is not okay to be angry because “anger is one of the negative feelings,” and “anger is dangerous, loud, embarrassing, uncivilized”. When you learn to own your anger and use it responsibly, you get clarity and can act, protect yourself and avoid creating victim-drama-stories.
Rage Clubs are an extremely safe learning environment allowing you to reconnect to the adult and archetypal power and intelligence of your anger.
Rage Club Spaceholders are delivering online and offline Rage Clubs around the world. Can you imaging any work more important than this, people taking their Center back, their Voice Back, their Authority Back, their creation power back!
So much healing and transformation happens in Rage Club. Each meeting is a celebratory event!
See if you can get into the next Rage Club Spaceholder Training.
So often people are angry because they are afraid.
On the other hand, so often people are numb and withholding themselves from connection and creation because they are afraid.
But what are you actually afraid of?
And why does fear own your life?
On the New Thoughtmap of Feelings, fear changes from being something to avoid into something to welcome.
"Hello Fear! What do you have for me?"
Then write it down in your Beep! Book.
Then go do the Fear-Informed Experiments that change your life!
Welcome to Fear Club! Online or offline. Nothing is scarier.
After being in Fear Club for a while you cannot help but wish the deep healing gifts for others.
Well, the others won't have them until you muster your own evolutionary spaceholding talents to create and hold Fear Club to give those gifts away.
In the past decade, rage has become 'all the rage'. People are recognizing and starting to use the value of Conscious Anger in their lives.
Now it is time for Conscious Fear.
Will you become part of the Fear Club Spaceholder Team?
EHP stands for 'Emotional Healing Process'.
A 'Dojo' can be defined as a 'formal training temple for immersive learning'.
In Japanese, the term 'dōjō' literally means: 'place of the Way'.
In this case, the phrase, 'the Way', refers to 'a Path of authentic Adulthood Initiatory and Healing Processes contexted in Archiarchy'.
An entire website is dedicated to sharing what we have learned and developed so far
about Emotional Healing Processes (EHP). That website is: http://process.mystrikingly.com
Emotional Healing Processes are one of the services provided by Possibility Coaches, Possibility Mediators, Possibility Psychologists, Memetic Engineers, Possibility Trainers, and other next culture professionals.
In addition, EHPs are often the core success factor in authentic adulthood initiations, and a key element in physical and mental healing.
Over 100 actual Emotional Healing Processes have been recorded and are available for viewing at: http://createpossibility.mystrikingly.com/#100-videos
Participants often say that the Possibility Labs are amazing and necessary, but where their life really changed was in their Possibility Team, a weekly meeting in someone's living room to practice applying new skills in an ultra-safe environment.
One tiny step after another, supported by fellow adventurers, builds your capacity to show up in your life like nothing else can. If you cannot locate a Possibility Team near you on the PM Calendar, simply start one of your own.
You can download your free PossibiIity Team Handbook with all the details from the Possibility Team website.
Gremlin Transformation is an online or offline 8 to 12 week space for transforming your relationship with your Gremlin, and by association, with Gremlins in general.
Gremlin Transformation is an important prerequisite to Adult Egostate Decontamination.
Gremlin Transformation includes significant Gremlin healing and clarification processes, such as:
- Gremlin Hunting
- Gremlin Journals
- Distinguishing Type 1 and Type 2 Gremlins
- Gremlin Reconstruction
- Becoming a Trigger Hunter
- The Hidden Purpose of your relationship may be to feed your Gremlin.
- Being 'nice' or 'a good person' is Gremlin food.
- Gremlin Violence
- Gremlin Self Cannibalism
Further Gremlin Experiments are available in S.P.A.R.K.s by visiting http://sparks.nextculture.org/en and searching on the term 'gremlin'.
It could be part of your Path to help others transform their Gremlin into an ally for healing and transformation.
Here are those who developed Gremlin Transformation, supporting you to deliver such valuable work in the world yourself.
If you have Contaminated your Adult Egostate with Child, Parent, Gremlin, or Demon Egostates, it can now be Decontaminated.
Far weightier than we ever before imagined, contaminating your Adult Egostate with behaviors from your Child Egostate, Parent Egostate, Gremlin Egostate, or Demon Egostate as a Survival Strategy has serious consequences. It is straightforward how to Decontaminate your Adult Egostate.
No one can do this for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from doing it.
By Decontaminating your own Adult Egostate, you directly experience the incredible Value of this work.
If it is your job to pass on this Value through serving as a Decontaminator for others as your next-culture service to the village, you will be greatly supported through Decontaminator Training.
If you are not finding satisfaction living inside of the capitalist patriarchal empire, then you are already an Edgeworker. After some time living at the edge, it starts to become apparent that you have a further step to take: build your own Gameworld. As Buckminster Fuller implied, "You don't change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by building and inhabiting new regenerative gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant."
Gameworld Incubator is a Team that helps each other apply Gameworld building tools from:
Either you consciously design each gameworld you live in or you are a pawn in someone else’s gameworld. Don't be left behind playing in a stupid gameworld.
A Bridge-House is a next-culture village-skills training environment.
You carry a piece of the puzzle for how to create and inhabit regenerative human cultures on Earth.
One purpose of Bridge-House is to clarify, amplify, and launch your piece of the puzzle.
Another purpose of Bridge-House is to empower each other to be Spaceholders for more Bridge-Houses.
In other words, Bridge-House empowers Gaian Gameworld Builders who eventually may create Gaiavillages or Archiarchally contexted Nanonations.
Expand The Box is a 3-5 day life-changing experience that provides a safe environment for big steps along your growing path.
To gradually leave behind illusions, beliefs, dependencies, and patterns put onto you by others, and to unfold your own life’s rich possibilities!
So much happens when you upgrade from Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware!
Possibility Labs deliver profound healing and activation experiences that ignite your talents for co- creating next-culture life.
Authentic initiatory processes awaken your unique shift-agent skills for effectively supporting others in their own unfolding.
Being a Possibility Coach is one of the Possibilitator Training Specialties.
Powerful, personal, private, one-on-one transformational coaching sessions, as seen in the film LEAP: the coaching movie.
LEAP Film Website: coachingmovie.com
LEAP Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbYV2w-O1Zs
You can watch for free over 100 actual Possibility Coaching sessions online at http://createpossibility.mystrikingly.com.
How do the Possibility Coaches know what to say?
How do they stay Unhookable?
How can they go nonlinear to access the unexpected Doorways in the process?
How do they keep Gremlin from taking over without having to crush or attack Gremlin?
How can they implement 3 Phase Healing?
How do they heal Brain Splits, or Mind Machines?
How do they remove Energetic Blocks?
How do they navigate the reversal of old decisions made in past lives but still influencing life today?
How do they recover split-off pieces of the Being?
How do they invent new procedures that have never been done before?
Learn this, and much more, at Possibility Coaching Training, while you connect in with the global community of Possibility Coaches.
Here you will find essential clarity about what Possibility is, how to create it, and how to use it for the benefit of yourself and others.
In addition this website offers you over 100 demonstration videos of actual Possibility Coaching sessions, one of the primary ways for sharing Possibility with others.
By watching all 100 demonstration videos, you discover how similar human beings are, plus you gain a chance to participate in each of the healing and transformation journeys.
Being a Feelings Practitioner is one of the Possibilitator Training Specialties.
A Feelings Practitioner uses feelings and emotions as healing gateways for the physical body.
Breakthrough discoveries are happening here. This team is revolutionizing 21st Century healing arts.
Perhaps this is your new vocation!
Mediation is a means of resolving disputes outside of the judicial system by voluntary participation in negotiations, structured by agreement of the parties, and conducted under the guidance and supervision of a trained intermediary, the mediator. (Definition from: Merriam-Webster dictionary)
Possibility Mediation takes a different approach. Rather than remaining in the limited assumptions of the current problem space, a Possibility Mediator takes all stakeholders and the current circumstances into a space originating within a different context. The context of Possibility Mediation is radical responsibility and nonlinear possibility. This can change everything.
Being a Possibility Mediator is one of the Possibilitator Training Specialties.
Being a Possibility Psychologist is one of the Possibilitator Training Specialties.
Possibility Psychology ('Psychology of Possibility') opens doors to understanding and facilitating evolution in the human psyche.
We know transformation is possible through direct experience, but how does it work? How is evolution enhanced?
Human beings have direct access to archetypal domains in our daily lives. How do we get initiated? How do we navigate and make use of such spaces?
Incorporating transformation into our understanding of human potential is the purpose of the field of Possibility Psychology.
Being a Possibility Trainer is one of the Possibilitator Training Specialties.
A Possibility Management Trainer does not 'have' anything to stand on or hide behind. The PM Trainer does not 'know' anything to teach or defend.
A PM Trainer is a Space of Possibility for facilitating personal and organizational evolution while serving something greater than themselves, namely, the Bright Principles of Love, Possibility, and Evolution, plus their own unique Archetypal Lineage.
Creating Next Culture Organizations is one of the Possibilitator Training Specialties.
Skills include Torus Technology for organizing and running projects and communities, learning to communicate and connect, and applying Winning Happening rather than competition.
In short, here is the way to optimal liberation of group intelligence.
Modern culture's governments and organizations are built using a pyramidal power structure... a hierarchy.
A hierarchy promotes those who are best at doing 'whatever it takes' to occupy the next higher position of power. The results are obvious in modern culture - uninitiated psychopaths at the top.
Unless you learn the entirely new Torus Meeting Technologies, values, decision-making procedures, and processes needed to create and run meetings in circles (toroids...) you will merely re-create modern culture in 'green'.
Arch is where you engage skill-building adventures while learning to shift ordinary into extraordinary, problematical into transformational, and then ride the Dragon.
CAUTION: Intense work involved.
Infrequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
These questions are frequently asked, but perhaps not frequently enough...
Where did Possibility Management come from? a story...
Long ago, in a country far, far away, a young Physics student named Clinton Callahan realized he was not learning what he truly longed to learn through California Polytechnic State University's 1975 curriculum. He eventually became frustrated enough to post flyers for a meeting to discuss alternative possibilities. To his fearful surprise, more than seventy-five fellow students showed up, even though he had never given a talk before in his life...
After that nerve-wracking evening he met every Thursday evenings at 7:30pm with a smaller group of these explorers to support each other moving through their personal and social blocks, learning what they truly wanted to learn.
Clinton's Box meticulously documented whatever the Team discovered that was useful. By 'accident' in 1991 Clinton's hobby of navigating nonlinear discovery spaces became his profession when he was hired as a secretary in a small Arizona training company.
Then in 1995 the universe grabbed Clinton by the scruff of his neck and dropped him in the middle of Europe where people were more open to abandoning their birth culture and trying out new thoughtware.
Finally, in March of 1998 (over twenty years ago...) Clinton delivered the first prototype of Expand The Box training in Hamburg, Germany. Within a couple of years graduates were demanding next steps, so Possibility Labs were invented.
As individuals stepped into their own Authority they began delivering Expand The Box and Possibility Labs themselves and became the first members of the Possibility Management Trainer Path.
In 2016 Marion Lutz spearheaded the creation of a new and comprehensive Possibility Management gameworld website (http://possibility management.org), and by December of 2016 the Trainer Guild had matured enough that Clinton could step backwards away from being the main Spaceholder and could become merely one of the Possibility Trainers in the Trainer Path, starting over with his own personal website and newsletter.
In March 2018 the next exciting chapter of Possibility Management emerged, namely, taking full responsibility for serving the request for stable local Possibilitator circles in various new countries around the world. Thus the need for this website emerged, to introduce Possibility Management globally.
Then at the April 2018 Trainer Research Lab at Möglichketenraum in Steinhagen, the Trainer Guild spontaneously invented a non-hierarchical self-organizing meeting and decision-making procedure called Torus Technology.
By 2020 it became clear that hundreds of Possibilitator Specialties are required to generate Archiarchy, and Possibilitator Training was born, with emerging Spaceholders for each of the new Possibilitator Specialties.
For sure this is not the end of the story! Visit the Museum of Possibility Management for a more complete story.
What is Possibility Management?
a context...
Possibility Management encompasses a spectrum of innovative soft skills which allow you to liberate often-overlooked inner and outer Resources. To these tools we combine core elements from other important teachings, such as Transactional Analysis, originated by Eric Berne, and Parent Effectiveness Training, originated by Thomas Gordon.
However, most of Possibility Management has been derived empirically, by trial and error experiments repeated over and over for many years.
This is why Possibility Management delivers such a fresh and remarkably effective impact. It is, for the most part, different from anything you've ever seen before.
Why is that? Because Possibility Management is an evolving co-creation context using thoughtware, tools, and processes that emerge from taking radical responsibility.
Possibility Management is not derived from the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, or any of the works of Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung.
Possibility Management is not religion and not philosophy.
In Possibility Management there is nothing to believe.
Possibility Management cannot be copyrighted. It is Copyleft, protected by a Creative Commons Attribute and Share Alike International 4.0 License (CC BY SA 4.0 Int'l). This means that you are given permission to use everything you can as long as you acknowledge that you got it from Possibility Management, and pass it on to others with the same agreement.
Possibility Management was initiated by Clinton Callahan in 1975 and has been steadily emerging through private experiments by small circles of individuals in Europe and in the Americas.
Since 1998 Possibility Management has been delivered in Expand The Box trainings and then Possibility Labs as well as other training formats by members of the Trainer Path.
Where can I find books about the ideas of Possibility Management?
a ponderous question...
Thoughtware from Possibility Management is published in a number of powerful books in German:
- Edgeworker by Nicola Nagel (now Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt) and Patrizia Servidio (now Patrizia Patz).
- Gefühle by Patrizia Patz.
- Initiation by Ewa Willaredt and Thomas Schmid.
- Wutkraft by Friederike von Aderkas.
- Die Kraft des bewussten Fühlens by Clinton Callahan, translated into German by Marion Lutz and published through Next Culture Press.
- Wahre Liebe im Alltag by Clinton Callahan translated into German by Marion Lutz and published through Next Culture Press.
- Gute Nacht Gefühle by Clinton Callahan, illustrated by Timo Wuerz, translated into German and published through Next Culture Press by Marion Lutz.
- Abenteuer Denken by Clinton Callahan, translated into German by Marion Lutz and published through Next Culture Press.
...and also books in English:
- Conscious Feelings sold out, revised, and significantly updated 2022 by Clinton Callahan through Hohm Press or Bookshop.org.
- Radiant Joy Brilliant Love by Clinton Callahan sold out, re-released with a new title but same contents in 2020 as Building Love That Lasts through Hohm Press or Bookshop.org.
- Goodnight Feelings by Clinton Callahan and illustrated by Timo Wuerz, is available through Thoughtware Press in a growing number of languages.
- Emotional Empowerment by Patrizia Patz.
- No Reason: 21 years with Western Baul Master Lee Lozowick by Clinton Callahan through Thoughtware Press .
- White Witch of Tenerife by Clinton Callahan through Thoughtware Press .
- Cavitation: the emergence of Archiarchy, the new novel by Clinton Callahan, is available through Thoughtware Press.
Written, video, and audio treasures from Possibility Management are also available at numerous locations online:
- SPARK Experiments
- Next Culture Radio
- S.T.A.R.R.s
- Jewels Of Possibility
- Distinctionary.xyz
- Possibility Management TV
- Museum Of Possibility Management
- Spaceport
- StartOver.xyz, the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game!
- And now there is a website foreverything.mystrikingly.com that can help you navigate your way to the resources you need in the Possibility Management universe.
Several Possibility Management books are being translated into other languages, such as Polish, French, and Portuguese. Please contact us if you want to help with this.
Why are two logos associated with Possibility Management?
a reasonable question...
One logo shows the cube and the sphere symbols from Possibility Management, where the cube represents current reality and the sphere represents unlimited Possibilities. The connection between the cube and the sphere symbolizes the ever-present Possibility of Transformation - the mythical 'sphering' of the cube.
The other logo associated with Possibility Management is an infinity-sign surrounded by a thin circle, which represents the archetypally initiated adult feminine 'everythingness' creatively collaborating with the archetypally initiated adult masculine 'nothingness'. This is the Radical Relating of next culture - Archiarchy - the culture naturally emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Possibility Management finds resonance with both of these symbols because we discovered that not only is Possibility Management thoughtware for Nonmaterial Creation, we 'accidentally' also discovered that Possibility Management is thoughtware for Archiarchy. Possibility Management carries seeds for upgrading human thoughtware so that humanity increases its chances of having a future on Earth.
What is the difference between Education and Training?
a dangerous question...
An Education provides already known information for you to think about in classes.
A Training upgrades the thoughtware you are using to think with in processes.
An Education adds content to your mind.
A Training shifts the context of your Being.
In classes you learn something new through studying what others have already figured out.
In trainings you become something new through navigating the Liquid States of leaping away from the known and discovering new territory.
Clearly both Educators and Trainers are needed in a healthy society.
But modern culture promotes education as if knowing the right stuff is everything.
By duplicating the 'already known' human beings terminate life on Earth.
Skills for navigating the unknown are crucial to Inventing humanity's next cultures which are fundamentally regenerative.
Where are the Trainers?
If you are trying to deliver Trainings in an educational environment the educational system authorities freak out and will unconsciously do whatever they can to get rid of you.
Trying to deliver Trainings in a gameworld that only wants you to deliver classes is like trying to be a midwife in an old people's home...
...not very appropriate.
Perhaps you have been serving as an Educator but your true calling is to serve as a Trainer.
If that is your situation, you might want to change the gameworld in which you are playing...
Gaia is desperately in need of Trainers these days.
How does Possibility Management deliver Archetypal Initiations?
a new question...
One way to understand archetypal initiations is to regard each person as inhabiting 5 Bodies... physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic, and archetypal.
The first four bodies are rather straightforward to make sense of. For example:
- The physical body has organs with sensations like smell, touch, taste, color, pressure, sound, vibration, temperature, moisture, and physical pain.
- The intellectual body has a mind with ideas, concepts, opinions, beliefs, attitudes, rules, superstitions, constructs, stories, and attention.
- The emotional body has a heart with feelings and emotions, and strong mixed emotions such as shame, disgust, jealousy, guilt, aggression, depression, despair, excitement, nostalgia, melancholy, hysteria, etc.
- The energetic body senses space, proximity, timing, opportunity, coordination, balance, ownership, etc.
Modern culture teaches us to identify ourselves with the intellectual and physical bodies, educating and feeding them far out of proportion to the emotional and energetic bodies.
But what happens when you educate and train your emotional and energetic bodies to a more balanced internal collaboration?
(This process, by the way, is part of Inner Permaculture... much of the beginning work in Possibility Management is Inner Permaculture.)
What happens is that the four bodies become a stable platform upon which the Fifth Body (your Archetypal Body) automatically wakes up and comes online.
You have 5 Bodies. As you enter Authentic Adulthood, your Archetypal Body starts breathing to life a new world for you, a wider world, a multi-dimensional world... with new perceptions, new discernments, new powers, and new responsibilities. It is no wonder that Hollywood is pumping out superhero movies these days. The human race is preparing itself to welcome Archetypal Bodies.
As you might imagine, it requires significant preparations to ready yourself for being intimate with another person in your Archetypal Body...
But when you are fit... your readiness does something astonishing, nearly inexplicable. It makes life worth living. It makes all the other bodies and life experiences fit into place in a way that makes a whole new level of sense. It opens a mysterious gateway to vast domains for exploration, enjoyment, fulfillment, and wonder.
You're right... this does not actually answer the question, "How does Possibility Management deliver archetypal initiations?"
Hmmm... what this information does do, however, is hopefully inspire you to directly experience the answers to that question yourself.
It can help if you get into Possibility Labs where you can Stellate your Four Feelings. (Stellate means to turn up to an archetypal level of intensity.) Each successful Stellating process activates one of the four character structures in your archetypal body (Warrioress/Warrior through archetypal anger, Lover through archetypal sadness,
Sorceress/Magician through archetypal fear, and Queen/King through archetypal joy).
You will depend on these characters to take actions for you with their unique intelligence and energy to bring your Archetypal Lineage online in your life as an Earth Guardian, Intimacy Navigator, Evolutionary, or Gameworld Builder.
Is Possibility Management building an army?
a scary question...
QUESTIONER: Long story short: I am getting flashes of how PM is building an army. The strongest perception of it was during the Gaia Villages introductory call, when suddenly I had this vision of armies rising with a lot of force and power.
Since then, I find evidence that tries to convince me that this story could be true.
I feel fear mainly because I have a long history of not trusting my perceptions that 'don't make sense'. And I fear I will invalidate myself again. And that my discernment has still to grow so I can read through illusions.
On the other hand, I don't know how to continue relating to PM if my conclusion is true. I do not want to be in an army without my consent. I Thank you that this is a safe place where I can ask such things.
RESPONSE: Thank you for being willing to be vulnerable with your perceptions. What I can tell you is that I am personally not interested in building an army. An army would have the purpose to fight against something or someone. I have no intention to fight against anyone. Fighting against someone would mean that I would consider them my enemy.
I try to pay very close attention to when I make anyone my enemy, because that is just my Gremlin making up stories to avoid connection, love and evolution.
What I am interested in is to build something new, a next culture, that is actually invisible to the forces that could want to attack it. Next Culture is invisible because the current armies (military, corporate, advertisement, religious, etc...) cannot even imagine that such a thing is possible.
The second purpose usually of an army is to create copy-cat soldiers, that will obey orders blindly without any form of critical thinking or emotional awareness. I hope it is obvious that I am also not interested in giving orders to anyone. I want to be with Beings with liberated potential and who are ecstatically being their potential.
What I also know or observe is that is it very usual (I would say almost inevitable) that when people meet PM and especially when they start holding space for PM distinctions/processes, there is a sense of fanaticism: "this is the right way, or people need to know about this, if they don't understand feeling I cannot talk to them, etc..." I remember when I was like this. In my experience, it takes a few months, maybe a year for people to grow enough into their own selves. Their Beings then realize that their fanaticism is just another religion and that Clarity can ultimately create more separation than evolution. I have found no way to go around this. I consider this a natural evolution of relationship with any context, including PM.
I am glad that in that regards, PM is very clear about centering and keeping your center, even (especially!) from PM. Otherwise, how can anyone discover new things or evolve the thoughtmaps in PM if they don't have their center? Sometimes, it takes that people go away from the gameworld of PM for a while to regain their center.
Something else that has helped me along the way is to distinguish between my Feelings, for example my Fear and the perceptions that emerges from my Fear. My perceptions are often stories that make sense to my relationship to the world. My perceptions can easily slip into conclusions: it is like this.
I have noticed in myself that conclusions usually take me out of relationship with the world. One way that I worked with that is that I had to live in this question: How can I take care of myself (meaning not be adaptive, or naïve, or letting myself be abused) without making a conclusion and still being in connection?
What I have found is that my Fear is my biggest ally in doing so. I keep listening to my Fear: "Hello Fear, what do you have for me?"
The first distinction that I make is: is this a Feeling or an Emotion? Maybe there is both an Emotional fear and also a Feeling of fear. I can use both, because Emotions are for healing things, and Feelings are for handling things. My Feeling of fear might tell me: "You need to ask this question," or, "Here is a proposal you can make for the Team to work better," or, "I want to try this," etc...The second distinction that I make is: Where does my sensation stop and my story-making begin? Sometimes the mechanism seems pretty clear that my perception starts (I notice something...) then I instantly pull up a Story that matches my Box's Survival Strategy, and then I feel an Emotion as a way to prove to myself that my Story is actually true! (How can a Story be true?)
Does your Fear tell you something else to ask or propose or try?
I am glad that you opened this door. Thinking about this helped me shift from needing to trust my Stories (the meaning that I apply to my sensations as way to have some familiar ground to stand on) into relying on the intelligence of my Conscious Fear.
QUESTIONER: What is relevant for me is especially the distinction between my feelings and my perception of feelings. This type of perception, paranoia type, is something that is familiar to me and it gets activated when I move too fast for my own sanity. It is helpful to see it as a protection mechanism and not give power to the stories it produces, but to receive its message. Maybe I may need to care for myself by having a slower rhythm.
Since it is something that has occurred for me before and it gets activated when I reach a certain threshold of fear, there is the emotional fear that I need to look into with the help of an EHP.
I am glad we could share about it, what happens for me now is that I have the experience of 'normalizing' what in previous times has been judged as 'crazy'. I get to experience that paranoia has no longer the same grip and power over me since I look at it as just another survival mechanism.
My feeling of fear has nothing else for me at the moment.
Thank you for taking a clear Stand for what you are doing.
Is Possibility Management a Cult?
a radically honest question...
A man from Australia makes an intelligent, independent analysis of the gameworld of Possibility Management based on his own personal experience. His name is Michael Cann, and his article is online HERE.
He says, "Is Possibility Management a cult? I'm glad you asked..."
Through this article you can go on the journey with him and see, in the end, what you think.
What are the costs for Possibility Coaching, Rage Club, Fear Club, WorkTalks, Workshops, Expand The Box Trainings, Possibility Labs, Specialty Labs, and Possibilitator Training?
a practical question...
In the global transformational gameworld of Possibility Management it is our tradition to maintain a consistent pricing plan. Recognizing the imbalance of exchange rates between different currencies, we divide our pricing into three regions:
For full-time residents in various countries we use a 4 Tier Pricing Plan:
- SILVER TIER - Countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway. The tuition for the first Expand The Box is a sliding scale
- RED TIER - Countries such as Germany, France, Canada, USA. The tuition for the first Expand The Box is a sliding scale 650-950 Euros. The investment for the second ETB is 300 Euros, third ETB is 150 Euros, fourth ETB 75 Euros, from fifth ETB on, 0 Euros. The tuition for each Possibility Lab is a sliding scale 650-950 Euros.
- BLUE TIER - Countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Poland. The tuition for the first Expand The Box is a sliding scale 450-950 Euros. The investment for the second ETB is 200 Euros, third ETB is 100 Euros, fourth ETB is 50 Euros, from fifth ETB on, 0 Euros. The tuition for each Possibility Lab is a sliding scale 450-950 Euros.
- YELLOW TIER - Countries such as Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, Romania, and Egypt. The investment for the first Expand The Box is a sliding scale 265-950 Euros. The investment for the second ETB is 130 Euros, third ETB is 65 Euros, fourth ETB is 30 Euros, from fifth ETB on, 0 Euros. The tuition for each Possibility Lab is a sliding scale 265-950 Euros.
Whether the Expand The Box Training or the Possibility Lab is 3 days, 4 days, or 5 days long, offline or online, the price is the same. In these multi-day trainings it is our tradition to share food costs, and that you pay separately for your housing and transportation. We try to avoid extravagance in our food and housing costs. Trainers gain no money from food, housing, or transportation costs.
RAGE CLUB / FEAR CLUB: online or offline, minimum 20€/2.5 hour session, one session per week, for example 120€ for 6 weeks minimum, recommended. Sliding scale goes to 60€/session in Red Tier, 45€/session in Blue Tier, 30€/session in Yellow Tier. Rage Club / Fear Club includes wild weekly challenges, membership in Telegram Group.
RAGE CLUB SPACEHOLDER TRAINING / FEAR CLUB SPACEHOLDER TRAINING: online or offline, minimum 30€/2.5 hour session, for example eight sessions
WORKTALK, OR RAGE CLUB / FEAR CLUB INTRODUCTION: online or offline, 2hour WorkTalk, 10€ minimum, no maximum. WorkTalks are not delivered for free or on a donation basis.
ONE DAY WORKSHOP: online or offline, 10€/hour/person minimum, for example, a 6 hour Workshop is 60€ minimum.
POSSIBILITY COACHING: A Possibility Coach in training delivers 50 full online or offline Possibility Coaching sessions for free, followed by another 50 Possibility Coachings at a reduced price of in Red Tier between 80-120€. After delivering a total 100 complete Possibility Coaching sessions, the official price is a sliding scale between 150-300€.
POSSIBILITY TEAM: Possibility Teams are free.
13 x 1:1 Gremlin Transformation Coaching sessions. 12 x 30min + 1x 60min
- YELLOW TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Brazil / Turkey / Egypt = $/€ 250 - 500 in the local currency.
- BLUE TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Poland / Portugal = $/€ 430 - 860 in the local currency.
- RED TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Germany, France, USA, Canada = $/€ 650 - 1300.
- NORTHERN TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Sweden, Norway, Denmark = $/€ 860 - 1500.
Each 1:1 Decontamination session with a Deconttamination Coach is between 80 - 150 €/$.
POSSIBILITATOR TRAINING: Possibilitator Training is free. We are a Team. Various component Trainings are arranged for by individual Possibilitators at their own pace and are not included in the price of Possibilitator Training.
- If you are a regular participant, all Possibility Labs cost the same as before.
- If you have gone through your 10 Doorways and you have had your Conversaview and have been formally applied for and been accepted into Possibilitator Training, then your investment for your eleventh PLab is 300€, your twelfth PLab is 150€, your thirteenth PLab is 75€, and from your fourteenth PLab onwards, Zero Euros tuition worldwide.
- If your Possibilitator Specialty is 'Possibility Management Trainer', and you have been formally participating in Trainer Path meetings and Trainer Path Labs, and you have delivered one or more Practice Expand The Box Trainings according the Trainer Path procedure, and you have been formally qualified to be an Expand The Box Trainer by the Possibility Management Infinity Ring Trainer Path Node, and you are delivering a minimum of one paid Expand The Box Training per calendar year, and you your photo and website are listed at the PM Trainers website, and these conditions are still current reality, the tuition for your eleventh or more PLab is Zero Euros worldwide.
All prices shown include tax.
NOTE: This section is an excerpt from the Trainer Path Codex.
How can I create an Expand The Box training in my area?
a wildly interesting question...
...with a very clear answer.
Please find a complete support program for creating an Expand The Box training in your area at this dedicated website:
Please let us know what we can do to support you.
How can I create a Bridge-House in my area?
an extraordinary question...
...with a very clear answer.
Please find a complete support program for creating a Bridge-House in your area at this dedicated website:
Please let us know what we can do to support you.
How can I create an Archiarchy Invention Center in my area?
a transformational question...
...with a very clear answer.
Please find a complete support program for creating an Archiarchy Invention Center in your area at this dedicated website:
Please let us know what we can do to support you.
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Possibility Management Gameworld Codex
For more than 45 years the originators of Possibility Management have passionately shared open-code tools and distinctions that bring people into greater responsibility. Today a world-wide network of trainers is collaborating to create a shared vision of a global shift into next culture... Archiarchy...
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code POSMGMNT.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!